ICDA is piloting a Mentorship Program beginning in August of 2024 through August of 2025. The ICDA officers have determined that ICDA will start with a core of five mentor-mentee pairings. ICDA will evaluate the number of mentors based on demand as the year progresses.
Basic requirements of the Mentorship Program:
1. Mentors and mentees must be a current ICDA member. (Active Membership or Retired Membership)
2. Mentors must be choir directors with a minimum of ten years of experience. Mentees must be choir directors with a maximum of five years of experience.
3. Prospective ICDA mentors and mentees must complete an application.
4. Mentors and mentees will be matched based on interest areas, expertise, and areas for potential growth.
5. The mentor and mentee conversations are to be kept confidential.
6. Mentoring sessions may occur by phone, video conferencing, e-mails, or in-person.
7. During any in-school mentoring sessions, mentors will need to follow individual school requirements such as background checks, signing in at the front office, and showing identification.
8. ICDA mentors serve as volunteers and cannot charge for any mentoring expenses including mileage or meals if they are serving in the capacity as an ICDA mentor with their assigned mentee.
9. ICDA mentors will work as partners with the mentee by helping them grow as a choral educator.
10. Mentees are asked to respect the volunteer time of their ICDA mentor by being prepared for appointments.
11. Mentors will send a written summary of the mentorship session to the mentee within five days of each session and keep a copy for future reference.
12. Mentees are asked to complete one End-of-Mentoring Feedback Form and submit to the ICDA Mentorship Initiative Committee.

Meet the Mentorship Program Team
Joyce Click, Mentorship Program Coordinator
Matthias Murphy
McKenzie Martin
Isaac Denniston
Christina Huff
Kathryn Lee
Andrea Drury
Melissa Walsh
Sarah Kavanagh
Dan Andersen